There are many different reasons why people choose to start their own businesses. Some people want the ideal life of being their own boss, which means that they plan to run the business until they retire. Other people want to take an idea or concept and find a way to...
Serving Northwest Florida Families For More Than 20 Years
Month: December 2019
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Estate planning is essential at the end of the year
Some individuals in Florida may assume that the holidays are a bad time to discuss contentious topics, like wills and trusts. However, the end of the year and the beginning of a new year are actually ideal times to talk about estate planning. Here is a glimpse at why...
Residential real estate located inland drawing more buyers
With the start of a new decade just under one month away, experts in the property market are already seeing a major change in where people in the United States want to live. Specifically, they are searching for residential real estate in places that are not too...