When you purchase a property, you must do your due diligence. One thing that you should ensure you check for is the presence of an easement. In the simplest of terms, an easement means that there is someone else who is going to have access to your property for some...
Serving Northwest Florida Families For More Than 20 Years
Month: August 2020
What happens if an heir has the right of first refusal on a home?
Serving as the executor or administrator of an estate is hard enough without any special requirements, but many testators will include complicated provisions in their estate plan that make your job even harder. For example, if there is real estate, such as a family...
How do irrevocable and revocable trusts differ?
Some people choose to leave the assets they have for their loved ones in trusts. This makes it easier to pass them along. It’s a more private option than going through the probate court with a will. Once you start to go through the types of trusts that you might use,...
Is it time to take a second look at your estate plan?
You may have a basic estate plan in place, but did you know that estate plans are meant to grow with you? Over time, you may need to review and alter them to adapt them to changes in your life. There are several times when it might be a good idea to review your...