It’s your hope that you’re always able to make medical decisions for yourself. However, there could come a point when you’re unable to do so, such as the result of a serious accident or terminal illness. Just because you create a health care directive doesn’t mean it...
Serving Northwest Florida Families For More Than 20 Years
Month: June 2020
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If you have multiple children, consider trusts for their inheritances
As the parent of three children, it is your goal to make your passing as easy as possible on them. You know that their different ages and experiences could affect them when you pass on, which is why you want to make sure you control the situation and give them...
Estate planning is something most people have never done
If you’re passing your home on to your children after you pass away, how do you want to do it? Should you leave it in equal parts to all of them? Are you going to give it to just one child? If so, do you want to leave other assets to your other children to make up for...