In some cases, especially when someone passes away unexpectedly, they leave behind a significant amount of debt. For instance, they may have business loans or car loans. But even in situations where death is expected, there’s likely to be some level of debt from...
Serving Northwest Florida Families For More Than 20 Years
Month: December 2022
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2 benefits of a disinheritance clause
Cutting someone out of your will is a big decision. It can certainly be done, though, and there are many situations in which people think it’s the best option. For instance, maybe one heir is independently wealthy and doesn’t need the inheritance, but it could help...
The challenges of passing a family cabin on to your heirs
It’s true that a family cabin can be a beloved heirloom that moves down from one generation to the next. Many adult children have numerous fond memories, and they may want to bring their own children there as they grow older. But it’s also true that doing this can be...